Why not try unblocking access to social media sites?
If we block them, really, we might as well block the entire internet, because the whole web is transforming. NON social media is going the way of Geocities - the 1990's dodo.
Why is it ok to create a false bubble that functions nothing like the real world for our students?
Why does the notion of "real world" even exist as a concept that exists outside of school? What is school if not the real world?
Why do budgets and policy and FEAR have to control the way I teach?
If we want our students to be creative - why is MY creativity as a teacher being stifled?
Why is "not enough people will use it" a reason to prevent usage by the people who will?
Why isn't monitoring enough? Since when is it enough to rely on electronic systems in place of actual human beings' judgment?
Why won't schools believe that filtering doesn't work? Since filtering was implemented, has cyber-bullying and inappropriate content access disappeared? Didn't think so.
Just because we can "prevent" misuse by blocking access, why does that mean we should?
Why shouldn't my students be allowed to contribute to their digital footprint in school? So they might use their gmail accounts to access chat - so what? Since when do we ban speech in schools?
Why not teach using social media - or at the very least help kids understand the values behind it while emersed in an authentic environment, and help them shape the social media - rather than just passively letting it shape them?
Why not do what we always talk about our students doing, and take a RISK! Sure, it might not work, but so what? Risk averse, safe behaviour, doesn't lead to progress. It just means we keep doing the same things over and over and over again. Not only are we not learning from history, but we're failing to even acknowledge that it exists! We've managed to work out that abstinence in sexuality & drug education doesn't work - instead we teach pros and cons, we teach about personal responsibility, and heaven forbid - EDUCATED CHOICE!
So why, when it comes to social media, are we so afraid to do the same thing?!?