Melbourne born and bred, as a student, I attended a couple of different primary schools (one in the Dandenongs, one in the outer SE suburbs) and just the one secondary college (also in the outer SE suburbs).
I have been in the education system in some form continuously since 1989. I started the Bachelor of Education (Primary) at the University of Melbourne in 2002 and graduated at the end of 2005. I've recently been accepted into the Master of Education (Digital Technologies), also at the University of Melbourne. Thankfully this is Masters by coursework, rather than research, because I don't think I could ever produce a 20000 word paper! I start in July, kicking off with two subjects that encompass my two passions - ICT and Gifted education.
Starting teaching in 2006, I spent a year working in a medium sized primary school in SE Melbourne. As a teacher's first year often is, it was a tough year. However, call it a trial by fire, I came out much stronger and ready to try something new. I gained a position teaching year seven at a large, new Secondary College, also in SE Melbourne. I have been teaching an integrated year seven program, with a smattering of year nine subjects, ever since.
My Mum likes to tell the story of the day she came early to collect me from my Prep class, shortly before my brother was born. I was apparently reading a story to the whole class, and had them "eating out of the palm of my hand" (her words, not mine). I suppose I always had the desire to teach, although I did dabble with other ideas along the way, (when I was three I decided I wanted to be a wood chopper!) I decided about half way through high school that I wanted to pursue teaching.
I don't have any one favourite memory of teaching, but I remember the times that have been filled with laughter. Teaching can be incredibly frustrating at times, but I cherish being able to laugh with my students.
I try not to tell kids much. But I'm great at asking the right questions, so they feel like they knew something all along. I am a very 'human' teacher. I don't believe in setting myself apart from my students, I am learning just as much as they are. I have a thousand anecdotes that I share with my kids, and I think that this makes the relationship I have with them much stronger. This probably comes from my family. We're all great story tellers. Our stories are part of our identity. Teachers sometimes remark that our student's are surprised that we are human beings who do simple things like go to the supermarket. But I suspect some teachers don't really see their students as people either.
My best quality is probably my passion for learning, and my desire to be the best that I can possibly be. I won't settle for mediocrity. Sometimes this means I struggle a little with the whole work-life balance thing, but for me, teaching doesn't feel like work most of the time, so the lines tend to blur.
Outside of teaching, I am a passionate photographer, and I run a small portrait photography business. I enjoy a range of crafty things, particularly sewing and scarf knitting. I have a lot of scarves - that's about all I can knit! I don't do patterns! My husband is even geekier than me, and I spend a lot of time learning about various gizmos and gadgetry through osmosis. He talks about computers a lot. He is my partner in crime, every step of the way. Our dog Zappy is our little sidekick.
I think education is moving in an exciting direction, and I want to be at the front of the pack, leading the way. I'm pretty excited by the possibilities.